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17 June, 2009

To First Your Computer

Small tips for all over. Without any software you can fast your PC. To do this work you need time only 2 minute. This is mainly RAM tuick. By this work we can change RAM page file. For that RAM space will be some gap and speed will be something increase. Mind it this process is not for one time. When you see your PC is slow then you should be do this work. So we can see now how to do this work.

1. At first open a blank Notepad.

2. Then write below Code.


3. Now save this file.

4. Save as type: Select All files.

5. File name will be: 'ram.vbe' then save it on your Desktop.

6. Then double click that file.

Then see your computer will be some first from before.

If your RAM less the 128MB then write,
