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28 May, 2009

Use EDGE/GPRS in Linux by Mobile.

It is very difficult to Use EDGE/GPRS in Linux by using Mobile. Buy if you follow below rule then you can use it easily.

1.From Taskbar click Application then click “kppp ” from internet.

2. Then press ”setup” button.

3. Now create “connection name” as your wish and give User and Password.

4.Now click “add” button and type *99***1#.

5. Then select "PAP" from Authentication Option.

6. Now click “IP” Tab and give tik “dynamic IP address”.

7. Then click “gateway” Tab and tik “Default gateway” Tab.

8. Then press “OK”.

9. Now Go “modem” terminal and click “setup” button.

10. Create any name form Modem.

11. "Select modem" here select '/dev/ttyACM0' then press ok.

12. No need "login name and password".

13. Now we create 'KPPP dialer'.

14. Click “connect” button.

15. Now dial will be start and show configure connection Status. But now you can not Browse. Now we should “nameserver” configure. For that open 'filesystem/etc/resolv.conf' and write below two line(This two 'Nameserver' is for "Grameen Phone").
nameserver :
nameserver :

16. Then save and out.

17. Now Browse Internet.