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29 May, 2009

Ubuntu 8.10 install is very Easy.

Linux free, virus free, safety, speedy OS we know that. Our country Linux user is very poor because we are using Pirated windows. May be this facility we can not carry hole life and it should not be also. For that another country Linux is there only OS. But we can use it with windows by dual Boot. Normal user think that Linux install is very risky work. For that he can lose his all of data some thing like that. But for them, I am saying if you have a any small software install experience then you can install Ubuntu 8.10 on your PC. This is real. At present this version is very popular for Desktop user. And its install is very easy. So lets try,

1. Insert Ubuntu CD when your is running with windows.

2. You can see Automatically Ubuntu CD Menu.
3.Click 'Install inside Window' button.

4. Ubuntu Setup screen will come. Then press 'Install Inside windows' Button.
Installation Drive = C:
Installation Size = 4 (Here you quarry that how much place free of your "C:" drive. If "C:" drive space less then 4GB then select another drive which have free space grater then 4GB and select that) follow below picture,
Desktop Environment = Ubuntu
Language = English
Username = Your user name(Exm: sojib)
Password = Your choose able password (Exm: abc123)

Then press install. And wait until setup is not completed.

5. After install completed then Restart will be required. Then press 'Finish'.

6.When your PC again start then two choose will be appear. Which one you want to select
i) Windows
ii)Ubuntu 8.10

Then select you choose and enjoy Dual operating system in your PC.
For CD you can contact with me by email